What is a Variable Speed System?

Trane variable speed system, Wilmington NCWhen purchasing a new HVAC system for your home, it’s hard to compare systems without knowing what the different components and the systems functions are.  One feature that is offered with newer units is a variable speed compressor.  When this compressor is added to a unit, it is considered a variable speed system.  These systems could not only lower your energy bills but increase the comfort in your home.  View the information below to learn more about how a variable speed system can benefit your home.

What is a Variable Speed System?

A variable speed system allows your heating and cooling system to maintain your desired temperature without constantly turning your system on and off.  The system will run at a low speed, and can gradually increase or decrease speed to keep your home comfortable.  Older systems do not have this feature.  They run at full blast or are off.  For example, with an older system your home would reach the set temperature so your system would turn off.  Then, the temperature would drop and the system would kick back on full blast. Though, that much airflow wasn’t needed. Like the acceleration of a car a variable speed system can vary its output.   It will run at the speed necessary to keep you comfortable.  The system will only have to run on full blast, when there are extreme temperatures.  Which in our area is uncommon for majority of the year.

What are the Benefits of a Variable Speed System?

Energy Efficient- Due to the fact that they are continually running, it doesn’t use all that energy to turn on and off constantly.  According to archnews.com, “Adding variable speed compressors to a dedicated outdoor air system can produce anywhere from 20 to 40 percent savings depending on the regional climate.”

Humidity- Again, since the system is continually running, it is able to control the humidity levels in your home better.  A system needs to run for an extended period of time in order to remove humidity from the home during the summer months, and this system does exactly that.

Lower Noise Volume- Compared to an older HVAC system that is continually turning on and off, a variable speed system in much more quiet.  Since the system is always running at a low speed, you won’t have the loud startup and shutdown noises.  Only in extreme weather will a variable speed system be pushing a large load of air, so majority of the time it’ll be quietly running.

Improved comfort- Since a variable speed system is running nonstop, you’ll have continuous air flow to maintain your desired temperature.  With older systems a heavy stream of hot or cold air would blow, then you’d have nothing until the temperature changed.   Followed by another wave of heavy air flow coming through again.  For continuous comfort variable speed systems limit temperature variations in your home.

Interested in a Variable Speed System?

When it comes to variable speed systems O’Brien Service Company has a few different options.  Call our office to schedule your complimentary in home evaluation.  Our comfort specialists can let you know which variable speed system will work best for your home.  You can also visit Trane’s site to view their variable speed systems and learn more.

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O'Brien Service

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