SEER and HSPF Description

Understanding SEER and HSPF

When it comes to purchasing a new system, there are many different terms and numbers that can make comparing the systems difficult when they are not understood.  These terms SEER and HSPF are very important though when it comes to deciding which system is best your home, and understanding them will make your choice a much easier one.  When you read the sentence; The XL18i home heat pump’s SEER rating of up to 18.00 and HSPF of 9.20 make it an energy-efficient choice for home comfort, does it make sense to you?   If not this article will help you to better understand what this product description is explaining pertaining to the SEER and HSPF.


SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio.  What that measures is the cooling efficiency of your air conditioning or heat pump.  This is calculated by taking the cooling output for a typical cooling season divided by the total electric energy input during the same time frame.  Basically what you want to take from the SEER rating is the higher the number the more energy efficient it is.  The minimum SEER that is allowed today is 13, but this will be changing in the near future.  You should consider getting a higher SEER though, because more energy efficient systems will help create greater savings for you.


HSPF stands for Heating Seasonal Performance Factor.  This number measures the heating efficiency for air-source heat pumps, it rates both the efficiency of the compressor and the electric-resistant elements.  The HSPF is the total space of heating required during the heating season expressed in Btu (British thermal unit), divided by the total electric energy consumed by the heat pump system during the same season, expressed in watt-hours.  Similar to SEER, the higher the HSPF the more energy efficient the system is.  The most efficient systems will have a HSPF between 8 and 10.


Now that you know what the SEER and HSPF numbers stand for, it’ll help you understand product descriptions a little easier.  If there are still any questions or concerns regarding any systems SEER and HSPF feel free to call us here at O’Brien Service Company.  We are comfort specialists and are here to help, or you can visit Nate’s website by clicking here to see their glossary.


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