Switching Your System to Heat

switching your system to heat, O'Brien Service CompanyAs the outdoor temperature continues to change so does your preferred indoor temperature.  When it is time to turn your heating system on after resting all summer there are a few things to do.  Here is what to expect and check when switching your system to heat.  Also, a few tips on how to help your heating system run efficiently all winter long to keep your home comfortable.

Things to Check/Notice When Switching Your System to Heat

  1. Test Your System: When switching your system to heat for the first time, do not wait until the coldest day of the year! Be sure to test it, that way if there are any problems they can be addressed before the heat is needed.
  2. Annual Maintenance: If your system has not had an annual inspection this year be sure to get it scheduled. A maintenance service will ensure your system is clean and running properly.  This can help extend the lifespan of your system and improve its efficiency.
  3. Check Your Filter: You should be checking your filters monthly. Though, if you know it’s been a while go ahead and replace your filter. A plugged filter will cause your heating system to work harder than needed.  Make sure you are regularly changing the filters to keep your system running efficiently.
  4. The Dreaded Burning Smell: When your heat kicks on for the first time you will most likely notice a faint burning smell. This is from the dust and debris that has gathered on your system burning off.  It is not something that should concern you.  That is unless the smell does not go away for several days.  You can crack the windows a tad to help alleviate the smell.
  5. Auxiliary Heat: A friendly reminder, while auxiliary heat feels nice and toasty, it is more costly. If your heat pump is constantly running on auxiliary heat during mild temperatures you should have your system checked.  Try to avoid using auxiliary heat, if possible.  This can help to keep your energy bills lower.
  6. Furnaces: For those in the area using a gas furnace or a dual fuel system there are a few extra components to check. First, be sure your carbon monoxide detector is operating properly and check your gas valve to ensure it is open.  Here is a list from Trane for other items to check on a gas furnace.
  7. Dry Air: In the winter the humidity level drops, causing your air to feel drier. This can irritate some people’s skin, cause breathing difficulties, and sinus issues.  If you’re experiencing low humidity in your home give us a call for assistance.
  8. Switch your Ceiling Fans: Your ceiling fan not only will help cool you off in the summer, but in the winter it will move the warm air. As physics has taught us heat rises, so running a ceiling fan in the winter can help move the warmer air back down.  Just remember when leaving the area turn the ceiling fan off to conserve energy.

If your heating system is not ready for the upcoming winter, be sure to call the pros at O’Brien Service Company.  We can perform any repairs needed, system maintenance, or replace your system if it is the best option.  If you have any questions about switching your system to heat, please don’t hesitate to contact us.  You can be warm and comfortable all winter knowing you have a heating company you can trust!


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