Heating System Options

Heating System Options

There are many choices when it comes to ways to heat your home in the Wilmington NC area.  The heating system options that O’Brien Service Company offers all have different benefits, but depending on your home, one system might be more suitable than another.  This is a decision that one of our comfort specialists can help you make.  Here are the types of heating system options we offer.

Trane heat pumps- this system is a popular choice in our area because they not only heat your home, but they cool it too.  Heat pumps are energy efficient because they are run using electricity, and do not generate heat, but just transfers it.  The higher energy efficient models will help keep your energy costs down, and if properly maintained should last around 15 years.  As long as your heat pump is not heating your home using the heat strips, it is an efficient way to heat your home.  If you like your home temperature to be extremely warm or the temperature outside is exceptionally low, and your heat pump cannot run without using the heat strips, then your bill will be higher.

Trane Gas Furnace- this system is more popular in colder weather climates, but is an option for our area.  If you like to keep your home extra toasty during the winter, well a gas furnace might be best for your home.  A gas furnace will need to be matched with a cooling system, because it only heats your home.  A gas furnace creates heat by converting gas to heat.  The efficiency of a furnace is measured by AFUE, and the higher the percentage, the more efficient the furnace is.  This system is usually a little pricier to run compared to a heat pump, because the cost of gas.  That is unless a heat pump is running on heat strips.  Furnaces in our region in most cases have a pretty long lifespan when properly maintained, since they don’t have to run very often due to our mild temperatures.  For the areas that don’t have natural gas service, propane kits can be installed to convert a furnace for propane use.

Geothermal System- this system is a great, energy efficient way to heat and cool your home.  The initial cost to have it installed might seem like a big expense, but with the tax credits available and the money you’ll save on your energy bills, it is well worth it.  A geothermal system works by using the earth’s natural energy to heat your home.  Since the earth’s energy is a renewable resource, you don’t ever have to worry about it running out.  The system consists of the piping that is underground as well as an indoor unit.  This is a smart investment, and an extremely efficient heating system option.

Mitsubishi Ductless System- this system heats and cools your home without needing ductwork to carry the air to parts of your home.  This is a great option to heat your home if there is not existing duct work, or if you’re adding an addition to a home.  A ductless system consists of an outdoor unit and one or more indoor units that are mounted to the wall or ceiling.  A ductless system is a zone controlled system, which makes it energy efficient.  This is because you can change the temperature in one room without affecting the whole house.

Trane Packaged System- this system as the name states, packages different systems together.  This way you can use more than one system to heat your home.  For example, a XL16c Earthwise Hybrid has the capabilities to heat your home using a heat pump, or when the temperature drops you can use a duel-stage furnace.  This is combined all into one cabinet.  There are several options to choose from when it comes to packaged systems.

If you have questions about which heating system option is best for your home, be sure to give our office a call to have one of our comfort specialist examine your home.  The decision about which heating system option is best for your home can be a difficult one, and we’re here to help.

O'Brien Service

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