Air Conditioner Expectations During Extreme Temperatures

Air Conditioner Expectations During Extreme Temperatures

During extreme summer temperatures your air conditioner may struggle to maintain the set temperature.  Or in some cases might not be able to meet the set temperature inside the home at all.  Meaning the system runs all day and just maintains the set point or even loses temperature in the home.  This article will explain why.  As well as, clarify air conditioner expectations during extreme temperatures.

Air Conditioner Sizing

Air conditioners are sized based on climate averages.  It’s sized on what the temperature is likely to be in the summer, not including the extreme temperatures.  For the Wilmington NC area, systems should be sized for 91 degrees outside and maintaining 75 degrees inside the home.

Installing a larger system for your home is not a solution. A larger than needed system in the home will not maximize the system’s needed runtime.  Which would lead to high humidity levels in the home.  It would also lead to shorter life expectancy from the constant on/off operation.  Finally, believe it or not the system would only be the right size for the home about 1-3% of the year.  Which is the estimated amount of time the Wilmington area experiences extreme temperatures.

Air Conditioner Expectations During Extreme Temperatures

A good expectation is for your home to be about 20 degrees lower than the outdoor temperature.  So, if it’s 98 outside, 78 inside is probably realistic.  Keep in mind these temperatures will include the heat index as well.

What Can You Do to Help Your AC

There are a few things you can do help your HVAC system.  On extreme days consider raising your indoor temperature a couple of degrees.  This could give your system a must needed rest.  Always make sure your air filters are clean and change them regularly.  Schedule your annual routine maintenance to give your system the best chance to perform at peak levels during these hot days.

Lowering your indoor temperature will not help it function better.  Instead, the system will run constantly and never get a break with little to no change to the temperature inside.  You may possibly see a spike in your energy bill as well if you do this.

Contact O’Brien Service Company

These air conditioner expectations during extreme temperature tips should help you decide if your system is doing all it can in very hot temperatures.  One good rule of thumb is as the outdoor temperature drops at night, so should your indoor temperature.  It won’t be drastic, but even a degree or two will show your system is doing all it can.  If you think your air conditioning system is experiencing a problem, contact the pros at O’Brien!

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