Why did my AC system Freeze Up?

AC system freeze up, Wilmington NCFrozen Air Conditioner

Have you ever had your air conditioning stop working, only to see your AC system a big block of ice?  If this hasn’t happened to you, you must think it is crazy in the summer heat to see ice on your system.  Though this is not an uncommon occurrence.  Having your AC system freeze up is a sign your system needs some attention.  Here are some causes as to why your AC system freezes up and what to do when you see your AC system freeze up.

What Caused my AC System Freeze up?

Your AC system has frozen because of two main reasons.  The system is not getting the proper airflow is the first.  This will prevent the evaporator coil from receiving the hot air from inside the house.  Yet, it is still producing the cold air.  The coil will get so cold your AC system will freeze up.  Something simple as a clogged up air filter can cause this.  Simply changing the filter can solve the problem!  A second reason an AC system freeze up will occur is due to a refrigerant leak.  If this is the case, you’ll need a professional to take a look at your system.

What Do I do When my AC System is Frozen?

Turning  the system off is the first thing you should do!  But, leave the fan running so it can help to defrost the system quicker.  Do not try to defrost the system by cranking up the heat!  Next go and check your filters.  If a dirty filter is the cause of the AC system freeze up, replace the filters.  Then, let it thaw and it should be good to go in a few hours.  However, if a dirty filter is not the culprit, it’s time to call a professional.  They will be able to locate if there is a leak and give you options as to how to resolve whatever they find.

Now you know what to check and do if you see that your AC system has ice on it in the cooling mode.  In the HVAC field we see AC systems freeze up almost every day, so there is no need to panic.   If it happens to you, shut your system off, check for clogged filters, and if that is not the problem contact O’Brien Service Company.  That is just two causes that could result in an AC system freeze up, the best way to prevent any AC system problems is to make sure your system is serviced once a year.    If you have any other questions regarding your system or why does an AC system freeze up please contact our office.  For other AC system problems and causes visit Trane’s site for troubleshooting tips.

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O'Brien Service

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