Treatment Sticks For your HVAC System

Treatment sticks, HVAC Wilmington NCOne accessory for your HVAC system should not be without is a treatment stick.  A treatment stick can help prevent damage to your home, while killing bad bacteria.  This article will explain what it is and the benefits.

What is a Treatment Stick?

A treatment stick is kind of what you would imagine.  A tiny stick shaped item that you place in your drain pan inside your system.  It is non corrosive and will last anywhere from six months to a year.  It consists of chemicals to break down unwanted growth in the pan. Even though it may look like candy, don’t eat it!

What Does a Treatment Stick do?

A treatment stick will do a few things to benefit your system.  First, it will kill mold, mildew, and algae growth that can form in your drain pan and drain line.  This will help keep your system clean and your air healthier.  Since it’s preventing growth in your drain pan and drain line, it’ll assist in preventing water leaks.  Most water leaks in HVAC systems occur because the drain line gets clogged up.  A treatment stick is a great solution to this issue.

What do You Need to Do?

A treatment stick is a simple solution.  You merely place the treatment stick in the drain pan, and it’ll do the rest!  Like mentioned before, these will last anywhere from six months to a year.  It’s a low price to pay, compared to what it would cost if your system leaked due to a backed up drain line.

Besides having a treatment stick, be sure you have a float switch installed in your drain pan to assist in preventing water leaks.

During the month of August (2017), O’Brien is running a great special!  During a service call you can purchase a treatment stick for half price.  That’s right people, half price!  We’ll also install it for you during the visit.

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