On Average How Long is a Heating Systems Lifespan?

Heating systems lifespans vary based on many different factors.  First, there are many different types of systems that can heat your home.   Also, there are various models of those systems.  For instance, Trane offers many heat pumps that differ because of their efficiency ratings.  One with a low rating such as an 8.2 HSPF is going to have to work a lot harder than a system that’s HSPF is 10.  Therefore, most likely the higher HSPF will have a longer lifespan.  So having different models will alter the lifespan of your system.  But also different systems will vary the lifespan of your system.  Think of a heat pump and furnace for example.  Living in the Wilmington area, we don’t need to use the furnace for majority of the year. Meaning most of the year it gets to rest.  While if you use a heat pump to both cool and heat your home, it’ll be running year round.  So usually the furnace will outlast the heat pump that is constantly operating.

Are You Maintaining Your System Annually?

Besides the system type and model, another major factor that will impact the lifespan of your system is how well your system is maintained.  It is very important that you have your system checked every year.   Regardless of the the make or age of the system.  Trane says, “Asking a professional to check your system will increase the life of the system, improve energy efficiency, reduce pollutants and save money.”  If you buy a car and never have it tuned-up, it’s not going to last very long.  Well the same goes for your heating system.  So make sure that you have an annual inspection on your heating system to help increase the lifespan of your system.

What Climate Does Your System Experience?

Where you live is a key factor of your system’s lifespan also.  There are a few examples of this.  Like mentioned before where we live in North Carolina, someone with a gas furnace will usually not have to run their heat very often.  Though someone who lives somewhere like Maine might run their gas furnace for several months of the year.  If they both have annual maintenance and have the same system, most likely the furnace in North Carolina will have a longer lifespan, due to it’s not running as often as the one in Maine.  Another example of location varying the lifespan of a system is systems on the coast have several conditions that other systems don’t.  The elements that an outdoor system on Wrightsville Beach will encounter are different than a system in somewhere like Leland.  Due to the salty air an outdoor unit on the beach will start to corrode a lot faster.  There are several natural factors, such as salty air, that can affect the lifespan of your system.  Which is why your location is a factor of the lifespan of the system.

What Is a Common Estimate for System Lifespan?

Here are estimates on different systems from the National Association of Home Builder’s Study of Life Expectancy of Home Components.  Remember these are estimates, but all the factors above can create a different outcome for your system.

  • Furnace- 15-20 years
  • Heat Pump- 16 years

So, as you can see, there are many factors that vary the lifespan of your heating system.  If you want more information about your specific system, give O’Brien a call and we can answer any questions you may have.


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