Carbon Monoxide Detector

Carbon Monoxide Detector- O'Brien Service CompanyIf your heating and cooling system contains a gas element, it is important to have an operative carbon monoxide detector.  Majority of homes in the Wilmington, NC area only use electric heat.  However, others do have gas components.  This article will describe why a carbon monoxide detector is important.

What is a Carbon Monoxide Detector?

A carbon monoxide detector like the name entails detects carbon monoxide in your home.  Since carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless it’s important to have one.  Carbon monoxide leaking into a home can make people very sick and can even be fatal.  It is heavier than the air, so this detector can be placed in an outlet close to the floor.  Therefore, it can be detected before it is inhaled.  It beeps extremely loud, I can confirm that!

Who Needs One?

If you have any gas elements in your home, you’ll need a carbon monoxide detector.  Whether it be a gas stove, gas fireplace, or a gas furnace.  There are many options that you can purchase.  If young children or older adults reside in the home; more sensitive CO detectors are available.

Multiple detectors should be purchased and installed around your home.  They are especially important to be placed near where you’re sleeping.

What to Know?

While having your annual HVAC maintenance, it’s a great time to have yours checked.  An annual check is all it’ll need unless it runs on batteries.  In which case, you may want to check it twice a year.  Most carbon monoxide detectors have a life expectancy of 10-15 years.  Thus, if yours is older than that it may be time for an upgrade.

Why call O’Brien?    

O’Brien Service Company has been checking, replacing, and installing carbon monoxide detectors for decades.  If you have any questions or concerns be sure to contact us.

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O'Brien Service

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