Why You Shouldn’t Receive A “Ballpark” Estimate

Trane Service Provider Wilmington NCWhen it comes to a big expense, the first step is to figure out your budget.  A new HVAC unit is one of those expenses that takes more than just pocket change to cover. So just how much does a new HVAC system cost?  There isn’t a concrete answer and what goes into finding the overall total is more surprising than you might think.  We here at O’Brien Service Company have got your back when it comes to everything HVAC, from start to finish.

How Much Is A New HVAC System?

When it comes to getting a “ballpark” estimate for an HVAC system, it takes more than throwing out a few guestimate numbers.  Our Comfort Specialists look at several things that are unique to your home. It’s also a state law in North Carolina to perform a load calculation of the home in person.

The right-sized system will prevent problems such as high utility bills, uneven airflow throughout your home, high humidity, and the amount of dust in your home. If the system is too big, you’ll be paying for space that isn’t there. Installing a system that is too small, will cause other problems to arise.

That goes to say, there are many things to consider when choosing a new system.  Receiving a “ballpark” estimate can do more harm than good for your budget, your comfort, and your health. So what do you do then to get the right-sized HVAC system installed?

You Need An In-Home Evaluation… It’s Also Complimentary!

You need an in-home evaluation.  It’s complimentary – for new systems only.  It only takes up to two hours and we offer financing options that work best for your budget. During this evaluation, one of our Comfort Specialists will look at:

  • home orientation
  • building, roofing, & flooring materials
  • window construction
  • duct conditions
  • insulation values
  • electrical capacity
  • current equipment location

When all is said and done, you will have a new system that is the best fit for your home! No home is the exact same and giving a “ballpark estimate” would be a disservice to your unique home.

O’Brien Service Company offers this evaluation as a guarantee that your new system will bring comfort and peace of mind. Instead of a humidity problem or high electric bills, you can rest easy knowing you are getting the best bang for your buck and you had the best crew installing it too!

Contact O’Brien Service Company

There are many reasons why receiving a “ballpark” estimate is not helpful in the process of getting a new unit.  Your home is unique and deserves a system just as special.  Why wait?  Schedule an in-home evaluation to get the ball rolling on the installation of your new system in your home and begin enjoying top-notch comfort!

O’Brien Service Company offers several products that enhance the heating, cooling, and comfort capabilities of your system, too. Call us at 910-799-6611 or visit our website obrienservice.com to see how your home comfort can be improved and review the services we offer to keep your comfort maintained for years to come! We’ve been Wilmington’s local heating and air pros since 1981, we’re always here for your HVAC needs!

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O'Brien Service

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