We Sell Filters!

we sell filters- O'Brien Heating and Air Wilmington NC HVACHVAC companies cannot express enough the importance of regularly changing your filters.  A clogged/dirty filter will restrict airflow possibly causing many issues to your system.  Therefore, we want our customers to have easy access to affordable filters.  O’Brien offers not only a great price on filters, but we’ll deliver them to most homes free of charge!  Continue reading for more information.

Why Buy Filters Through O’Brien?

There are tons of places around town that sell filters.  We can offer our filters at a reasonable price because we get them directly through supply houses.  For most filter sizes we can only sell them by the case, or 12 filters.  If you have a replacement filter in your home, it’ll be easier for you to remember to change them!  Also, like mentioned before, as long as your home or business is in our service area we’ll deliver them free of charge!

What Filters do we Offer?

We sell filters of all shapes and sizes.  Whether you need a pleated three-inch filter, or an odd sized filter; give us a call!  Not sure what type of filter you need; we can steer you the right direction!

Have a Hard to Reach Filter?

Have a return in a hard to reach spot like a cathedral ceiling?  We offer thicker filters that can last anywhere from 6 months to a year!  If you are on our Energy Savings Club maintenance agreement, our technician can replace the filter while he is at your home for service!  See, problem solved!  Call our office for more details on our longer lasting filters.

How do I get a Quote?

Easy!  First, make sure you know what size filter you need.  Then, give us a call!  We can give you different prices based on the different options we offer for that size.

Now that you’re aware we sell filters be sure to contact us before your next filter purchase.

*Fun Tip!  Going to a housewarming party and looking for a practical but different gift for the new homeowner/owners?  Give them a year supply of filters!  Their HVAC system will be grateful!

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O'Brien Service

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