Refrigerant Leak in your HVAC System

Refrigerant Leak in your HVAC System- O'Brien HVAC Wilmington NCThe weather is warming up in the greater Wilmington NC area.  With that, it’s time to turn on your air conditioning systems.  If your AC system is not cooling well or not cooling at all, a refrigerant leak could be the culprit.   If you see ice form on your system that is another sign you could have a refrigerant leak in your HVAC system.  To find out what to do, and what your options are with a refrigerant leak in your HVAC system continue reading.

First Step.

First, O’Brien would send a tech out to do a diagnostic.  If we see that the pressures are low on your system, and nothing else seems wrong; we may suggest a leak search.  We use a tool called a leak detector (clever huh?).  It’ll target exactly where the leak is coming from.  Since most leaks are the size of a pen tip, it’s difficult to see with the naked eye.  Once we’ve targeted where it is leaking from, we can give you an accurate repair quote.

What are the options if there is a Refrigerant Leak in your HVAC System?

  • Sometimes the part leaking can be repaired, other times it needs to be replaced.
  • The repair costs differ greatly depending on what which part is leaking.
  • If the repair cost is high, you might want to consider looking at replacing the system if it is up in age, inefficient, or out of warranty.
  • We can add refrigerant to get your system running while you decide, but this is only a temporary fix!
  • Depending on the size of your leak adding refrigerant could only last hours, days, or it could last months in the system.

Contact O’Brien.

At the first notice of something being off with your cooling system give O’Brien a call.  We’ll give you suitable quotes and informative options on what your best solution is.  Our technicians will also check to see if your system still is covered by any warranties.  Go with the pros at O’Brien!

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