Heating and Cooling Energy Saving Tips for 2016

Heating and Cooling Energy Saving Tips for 2016, Wilmington NCHeating and Cooling Energy Saving Tips for 2016

It’s a new year, and time to start working on those New Year’s resolutions!  If one of your goals for 2016 is to save some money, a great way to do so is to lower your energy bills.  Your heating and cooling system accounts for approximately half of your energy bill.  Therefore, your HVAC system is the place to start.  Here are some heating and cooling energy saving tips to help make your home more energy efficient for 2016.

Change your Filter.

A dirty filter will make your system work harder to provide the air needed to make your home comfortable.  This will not only raise your energy bill, but can cause wear on your system as well.  This is one of the easier heating and cooling energy savings tips, and can lower your air conditioner’s energy consumption by around 10% according to Energy.gov.  Not sure when to change your filter?  View this our blog on “When to Change the Filter”.

Have Annual Maintenance.

This is one of the more important heating and cooling energy saving tips.  Your system runs almost 365 days a year.  Without proper maintenance it will not run as efficiently as it should.  By having a professional perform a maintenance inspection they can find small issues that could become larger and costly.  They will also clean major parts to help your system run more smoothly.  Finally, they’ll clean drain lines to prevent water leaks.  You would not go years without getting maintenance on your car, so don’t go years without having your heating and cooling system maintained.  To learn more about our maintenance program visit our Energy Savings Club page.

Install a Programmable Thermostat.

If you are in and out of your house constantly, why have your system running at full blast for an empty home?  With a programmable thermostat you can set your thermostat on a schedule. This way  your system can rest when you’re not home, and still be at your desired temperature for when you return.  Some programmable thermostats are Wi-Fi compatible.  Letting you set the temperature can be set directly from your smart phone.

Install a New Energy Efficient System.

While this is not one of the cheaper heating and cooling energy saving tips, it is an important one.  If your heating and air system is over 10 years old, it is not going to run as efficiently as a system made today.  If your older system is constantly needing repairs, causing you high energy bills, and never keeps your home comfortable, it’s time you consider a new energy efficient system.  Be sure to have a proper load calculation before having a new system installed in your home.

All these heating and cooling energy saving tips can help you to save money on your energy bills for the upcoming year.  O’Brien Service Company can assist you with everything on the list and more!  So don’t hesitate to call us for all your heating and cooling needs in the Wilmington NC and surrounding areas!  For more heating and cooling energy saving tips visit EnergyStar.gov

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O'Brien Service

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