Geothermal System Facts Wilmington NC

Geothermal System Facts, Wilmington NCGeothermal System Facts Wilmington NC

Geothermal systems are a fantastic way to heat and cool your home efficiently.  Instead of having an outdoor unit like most conventional systems, loops are placed beneath the ground and are matched with an indoor system.  These underground loops use the free natural energy that is stored beneath the earth’s surface.  Using a geothermal system to heat and cool your home will not only save you money several different ways, but it will support a cleaner environment.  Here are numerous reasons why you should consider installing a geothermal system for your home or business.

  • Save up to 70% on your heating and cooling costs!
  • A geothermal system during the summer can heat your water for free!
  • A geothermal system has an average lifespan that exceeds 24 years! That is a big difference between the average lifespan of a regular system which is only 10-15 years.  This is very important in our coastal region, because outdoor units deteriorate much quicker due to the coastal elements, but a geothermal system will not be effected by this.  Do the math, one geothermal system will usually outlast two conventional systems!
  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regards geothermal systems as one of the most efficient heating and cooling systems available!
  • Distributing a remarkable five units of energy for every one unit of electrical energy used. That translates to a 500 percent efficiency rating
  • Geothermal systems use no fossil fuel and give off no carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide or other greenhouse gases.
  • Noiseless operation. – Just think: There is no outdoor noisy unit!
  • Federal Tax Credit- 30%! Set to end 2016
  • State Tax Credit- up to 35%! Set to end 12/31/2015.  (Combine the two, that is up to 65%!

Contact O’Brien

Now that you know all the facts about geothermal systems, what is there to decide?  Geothermal systems save money by being energy efficient and having a long life span, and help the environment by using less electricity and no fossil fuels.  The initial choice to install a geothermal system can be pricier than a traditional system, but between the financing options, tax credits, and savings from energy bills, it is well worth the cost.   O’Brien Service Company offers free in home estimates if you think you may be interested in switching to a geothermal system.  Or if you have any questions please visit our geothermal site or call the office at (910) 799-6611.

These facts were provided by WaterFurnace, O’Brien Service Company is your local WaterFurnace dealer.

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