8 Ways to Help Lower Your Heating Bill

Help lower your heating billHelp Lower Your Heating Bill

During the winter months, everyone wants to keep their home warm.  At the same time, you don’t want to spend an arm and a leg on your heating bill.  We don’t blame you!  With the holidays over and the new year starting, it is important to keep your heating bill as low as possible.  As the outdoor temperature drops this usually means your energy bill rises.  Although we cannot change the weather, we do have some tips to help lower your heating bill.

Cover Bare Floors

Bare floors during the winter are not only cold for your feet, but they don’t help heat your home either.  Carpets and rugs can retain heat helping to make you feel warmer.

Raise Indoor Temperature Slowly

If you raise your indoor temperature drastically, your system will do all it can to try and quickly raise your indoor temperature.  Sounds great right? Well even though your system is doing what it should, it is going to cost you.  By significantly raising the temperature, your emergency or auxiliary heat will kick on.  This is more costly to run than your conventional heat.  Only raise the indoor temperature a couple degrees at a time if you want it higher.

Lower Your Thermostat Temperature

Like mentioned above, your auxiliary heat can raise your heating bills. By keeping your indoor temperature at a reasonable set point, your auxiliary heat will be used less.

Change the Filters

If your filters are dirty, it is harder for your heating system to push the warm air through the vents. This will cause your heating system to work even harder to get that warm air out.  By regularly changing your filters, you may help lower your heating bill.

Use the Sun’s Natural Heat

Open those curtains and let the sunshine naturally warm your home! The natural heat can help raise the indoor temperature, giving your heating system a break.  Also your cat will be grateful for the view!

Programmable Thermostats

Are a great way to set a schedule for your heating system.  There is no need to have the heat blasting if you’re leaving for work and your home will be empty all day.  A programmable thermostat will let you set a schedule so you can be sure to arrive back to a toasty home without your heat running all day.  Also, some thermostats you can change directly from your smart phone!

Don’t Let your Heat Escape

Check your home for areas where the warm air can escape or let cold air in.  If there are exposed areas around your doors or windows, fill these gaps.  If you have a fireplace, close the flue when not in use.

Upgrade to an Energy Efficient System

Newer systems are made to run more energy efficiently.  So, if your heating system is over 10 years old by upgrading to a newer system it may help to lower your heating bill.

All these tips above may help lower your heating bill.  One tip that was not mentioned but is very important is to make sure your system is having an annual maintenance service performed.  And remember if your heating system is giving you any trouble this winter, be sure to call O’Brien Service Company!

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