Thank you, Wilmington for voting O’Brien Service Company Best Heating and Air Company in the StarNews Media’s 2019 Best of the Best. It’s thrilling to accept this award for the 5th consecutive year. Additionally, this year we won another category too! We couldn’t be more grateful. Thanks to our loyal customers, amazing employees, and our supportive community.
Best Heating and Air Company
Being voted Best Heating and Air Company in the greater Wilmington area always excites us. We’re aware there are a ton of heating and air companies in town. Know we accept this title proudly and strive to continue to provide excellent HVAC services to our community. As our business continues to grow, so does our drive to excel and deliver only the best for Wilmington.
Thank you for voting us the 2019 Best Heating and Air Company. Thank you for supporting our local business since 1981. Thanks to our employees who work in uncomfortable conditions to keep Wilmington comfortable day in and day out.
Best Company Culture
This one is a first for us, we’re also accepting the award for Best Company Culture. This is huge as our company mission, value, and ethics are important to us. If you haven’t read our company mission, vision statement or value statement, it’s as follows:
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide outstanding customer service and superior installation, repair and maintenance of heating, ventilation and air conditioning products. This will be accomplished by training our team members to be the best in the industry and by installing only the highest quality and most efficient systems for our residential and commercial clients.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to be recognized as the foremost HVAC contractor in North Carolina. We will be the best trained, the most knowledgeable and proficient team. We will encourage humor, politeness and common courtesy in each team member as the standard of behavior at all times. We will promote mutual respect for one another and support a friendly, warm working environment.
Value Statement
- Empowering ourselves to ask:
- is it good for the customer?
- is it good for the company?
- is it the right thing to do?
- Absolute honesty and integrity.
- Everyone working together to achieve excellence.
- Self-motivation is the key to growth and profitability.
These statements are posted in several locations in our office and read every week during meetings. They’re instilled in our company culture and it feels great to know our community recognizes it. So again, thanks to you all. Additionally, thanks to our employees.
Best Company to Work for.
Finally, O’Brien Service Company was a finalist for Best Company to Work for. With all the wonderful business in our town, it was an honor to be recognized in this category.
Thank You.
One final thanks to our customers, staff, and community! We know we’ve said thanks a lot, but we mean it. We’re proud to be voted Wilmington’s 2019 Best Heating and Air Company in the StarNews Media Best of the Best. If you’re in need of any HVAC services, you know who to contact.